–Sequences of instructions for the computer
–Describes program functions to help the user operate the computer system
•Set of programs that controls computer hardware and acts as an interface with application programs
•Can control one computer or multiple computers, or
•Can allow multiple users to interact with one computer
•Combinations of OSs, computers, and users:
–Single computer with a single user
–Single computer with multiple users
–Multiple computers with multiple users
–Special-purpose computers
•Activities performed by the operating system:
–Perform common computer hardware functions
–Provide a user interface and input/output management
–Provide a degree of hardware independence
–Manage system memory
–Manage processing tasks
–Provide networking capability
–Control access to system resources
–Manage files
•Common hardware functions:
–Get input from keyboard or another input device
–Retrieve data from disks
–Store data on disks
–Display information on a monitor or printer
•Microsoft PC operating systems:
–Windows XP
–Windows Vista
–Windows 7
•Apple computer operating systems:
–Snow Leopard (OS X v10.6)
–Red Hat Linux
–Caldera OpenLinux
Application Software
•Application programs:
–Interact with systems software
–Help you perform common tasks, such as:
•Creating and formatting text documents
•Performing calculations
•Managing information
•Software as a service (SaaS):
–Allows businesses to subscribe to Web-delivered business application software by paying a monthly service charge or a per-use fee
–Can reduce expenses by sharing its running applications among many businesses
•Cloud computing:
–Use of computing resources on the Internet (the cloud) rather than on local computers
Enterprise Application Software
•Software that benefits an entire organization
•Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software:
–Set of integrated programs that manage a company’s vital business operations for an entire multisite, global organization
•Software bug:
–Defect in a program that keeps it from performing as it should
•Some tips for reducing impact of software bugs:
–Register all software
–Check read-me files for workarounds
–Access support area of the manufacturer’s Web site for patches
–Install latest software updates
Copyrights and Licenses
•Most software products are protected by law using copyright or licensing provisions:
–In some cases, you are given unlimited use of software on one or two computers
–In other cases, you pay for your usage:
•If you use the software more, you pay more
•Some software now requires that you register or activate it before it can be fully used